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Re: no need for justification (Dave Zobel)
(orignal, smirk)

You might think		In fact,	An		Really, this
it's difficult,		the size	odd		 whole idea
or that there's		you pick	idea		  is a bit
magic involved,		for your	I had		   silly,
but actually it		lines is	was to		    even
turns out to be		not very	write a		     if
incredibly easy		crucial;	sentence	     it
to make all the		they can	such that	    gets
lines the exact		be short	the length	   people
same length, as		or long.	of each one	  to think
anybody can see		It turns	of the lines	 you have a
after trying to		out that	is just a bit	rare talent.
do it one time.		the long	different from
And all without		ones are	the length of
using a hyphen!		easiest.	the one that
					came before
					it, as you
					see here;
					I can't
					say a

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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