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Author solicits death threats [rec.humor.funny]

Author solicits death threats

gordonl@microsoft.UUCP (Gordon Letwin)
Microsoft Corp., Redmond WA

A press release that I recently received. I've read this book and liked it enough to buy several copies to give to friends. I didn't find it all that offensive (obscene, yes, but not offensive). But, I guess book marketing has to move with the times, and if offense sells...

By the way, "Reverend Fing" is wildely rumored to be a non-de-plume of this Palmer guy...

News Release

February 19, 1989

Contact: Nick Palmer (206) 882 4500


The Reverend Wing Fu Fing complained today that Christian leaders were refusing to threaten his life because of the offensive nature of his novel, Fuck, YES! A Guide to the Happy Acceptance of Everything. "My book is just as obnoxious as anybody else's," Wing Stated, "I certainly deserve a price on my head. Maybe $4 million is too much to ask. How about some McDonald's coupons?"

Reacting to the massive news coverage given to Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie, Wing announced that Waldenbooks, Daltons and many others major book chains have refused to carry his book for a full year before Rushdie's Novel appeared. Also, the Canadian government has attempted to ban it. "But do you think anybody cares?" Wing bitched.

This is another example of America being bested by foreign competition, according to Nick Palmer, spokesman for Shepherd Books, publisher of Fuck, YES! "If some of our so-called religious leaders would climb out of bed and whip good Christians everywhere into a frenzy, then foreigners would be buying American books instead of Americans buying foreign books."

Fuck, YES! is a novel in the form of a self-help book; it has been highly praised by reviewers in several obscure magazines. "It really is a shame," according to book reviewer Talcott Blitch. Fuck, YES! could potentially offend millions of people across the world, but it's being virtually ignored. Really, there's something in there that'll bother every special interest group but lesbians."

When asked about Reverend Wing, Palmer said, "Wing's bananas." However, he pointed out, the Ayatollah Khomeini's orders to kill Rushdie have spurred sales of Satanic Verses far beyond the wildest hopes of its publishers. "If someone threatens Wing, we're going to put him on Letterman or Carson, I can promise you that. This sucker's not going into hiding. That's not the American way. That's for sure."

This uncopyrighted material copied by--gordon letwin.

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