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A Timely Change (Dan Pearl)

Glendale, CA (AP) - Nestle Corporation announced today the renaming of their "Baby Ruth" candy bar to "Marky McGwire." Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck-Letmathe stated at a press conference that "this change of name will give new life to one of our older confectionary products."

Brabeck-Letmathe denied that the new name was meant to capitalize on the name of home run record-setter Mark McGwire. "There is no connection between our product and the U.S. national hero. Our product was named after a son of one of our most dedicated employees, Archie MacGuire, who has been with Nestle for well over two weeks. His eight-year-old son, Jeffrey Mark MacGuire, got a 'B+' in Citizenship on his last report card. We altered the name slightly to better fit on the wrapper."

Nestle Confectionary Products manufactures several highly popular products, including "Kit Kat," "Crunch", "Rolo", and "Sosa-Bar."

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