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Vacations and weekends (Lars Wirzenius)
(smirk, computers)

Boss, what's vacation?

   ``Boss, can I ask you something?''
   ``Everyone's always talking about vacations and free time and things
     like that. How come I never have any?''
   ``You wouldn't like it.''
   ``But they think it's better than work. They really look forward to it.''
   ``Remember last year, when the office was shut down for a week.''
   ``When they replaced all windows? Sure I remember. I couldn't play
     with a computer for a week. Horrible.''
   ``Vacations are like that.''
   ``So you wouldn't like them.''
   ``But everyone else does.''
   ``Ah, but that's because they're lusers, not hackers.''
   ``Now go back and write that compiler. We need it last week.''

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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