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It takes all kinds... (Chris Butler)
Acadia University
(smirk, academia)

Every week, Acadia University releases a list of upcoming events,
lectures, and presentations.  Three of the lectures, presented on the
same day, caught my eye.

The first is sponsored by the Geology Department:
"Textural and Chemical Zoning Effects Resulting from High-Temperature,
Low-Pressure Polymetamorphism of Pelitic Schists in Western Maine"

The second one is also sponsored by the Geoelogy department, titled:
"New Versions of the Paragoniute-Muscovite Solus: Tectronic and
Geothermobarometric Implications".

The third is sponsored by the local naturalist society, titled:
"Owls, Owls, Owls"

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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