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Another use for pocketknives (Tom Kreitzberg)
(sexual, chuckle)

An old one heard from comedienne Brett Butler:

A man repeatedly asks out a beautiful young woman he works with. She
says no at first, but finally agrees. "You can pick me up at eight on
Friday," she says, "but you have to bring me a pocketknife."

"Well, okay," he says, puzzled.

Friday night comes, and he arrives at her house with a pocketkife. She
thanks him, opens a drawer in a desk which is already full of pocketknives,
and drops the new one in.

At the restaurant, the man's curiosity finally gets the better of him.
"I'm sorry, but I have to know. What's the story on these pocketknives?"

She smiles at him and answers, "I know that you men ask me out just
because I'm pretty. I know that in twenty years my looks will be gone and 
men won't be interested in me anymore. But I also know that there's
nothing a fifteen year old boy won't do for a pocketknife."

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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