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Bambi's got a gun
(true, chuckle)

Told to me by a friend:

	We went to a party last Saturday night.  One of the party-goers is
	friend of ours who happens to be a policeman in Wayland.

	He told this story about he and a friend who went to Maine to	
	go deer hunting.  Seems they didn't get what they were after, 
	but that was OK because they had the last laugh.

	They had brought with them an inflatable, man sized doll which
	they dressed in hunter's clothing and tied it to the hood of their
	car just before leaving to return home.  They also had pullover
	head masks that looked exactly like a deer which of course
	they each put on and drove nonchalantly down the Maine turnpike.

	To say that they caused a commotion would be an
	understatement. They even got pulled over by a Maine
	State Trooper who said that they were really doing
	nothing wrong, but told them they were leaving a trail of
	accidents behind and asked them to kindly remove the 	

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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