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Oxbridge (Jason Trenouth)
Comp. Sci. Dept., Exeter Univ.
(sexual, smirk)

[Here's an oldie but goldie. It used to be a favourite of my room-mate when I
was a first year undergraduate. I can't remember whether I told him the joke or
he told me. Still, that's the case with many jokes. The room-mate is now
lecturing mathematics at Harvard...]

There has been some concern recently that female undergraduates will not be
treated fairly by the dons at St Lucius, Oxbridge's latest college to become
"mixed."  In reply Prof Garfunklestein, Emeritus Prof of Wessex Studies, argued
candidly that there would be no discrimination. He said "The dons will treat
the girls just as they treat the boys: they will molest them."

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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