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Winnebago Surfing (BACS Data Communications Group)
(rec_humor_cull, chuckle)

The wonderfully dangerous sport of WINNEBAGO SURFING was invented by rock climbers in a national park in Western U.S. The surfer lurks in an overhanging tree, rock, output port of tunnel, etc., and hops a ride on the top of a slow-moving motorhome driven by a tourist. He waves at passing motorists, jumps up and down noisily on the roof, or hangs upside-down over the windshield and makes faces at the driver (while anchored securely with climbing equipment, since the mark invariably hits the brakes)! Ideally, the surfer catches another tree or pre-rigged rope and disappears vertically before the mark can dismount to investigate (camouflage clothing is useful here). An informant in the National Park Service says that the Department of the Interior ordered the NPS to deal harshly with Winnebago Surfers, and to suppress all mention of Winnebago Surfing in internal newsletters and publications, lest the practice become widespread.

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