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NASA engineers in action (Jim Mantle)
(smirk, heard it)

The following is assembled from a thread in regarding the origin and differences in the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA), which are the two 747's NASA uses to move the shuttles, piggy-back fashion, about the countryside.....

In response to the original question, Ben Hallert wrote:

>"The first SCA (from American Airlines) purchased (N905NA) was used for
>the ferry tests and free-flight tests in the 70's. It remains in use,
>and was joined in 1990 by N911NA, a 747-100SR from Japan Airlines."

Michael Morton added:

>"Also 911 has a small notice on the main orbiter attachment point >saying, "Attach Orbiter Here, black side down."

And then Steve Wachowski added:

>It also says, "righty - tighty, lefty - loosey"

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