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Evolution of a programmer [rec.humor.funny]

Evolution of a programmer (Dennis Lou)
(computer, funny, original)

(Okay, it's late and I'm not thinking straight, but at least it's original...)

High school/Jr. High

20 END 

First year in college

program Hello(input, output); 
    writeln ('Hello world'); 

Senior year in college

(defun hello 
        (cons 'HELLO (list 'WORLD)))) 

New professional

#include <stdio.h> 
main (argc,argv) 
int argc; 
char **argv; { 
printf ("Hello World!\n"); 

Seasoned pro

#include <stream.h> 

const int MAXLEN = 80;

class outstring; class outstring { private:

int size; char str[MAXLEN]; public: outstring() { size=0; } ~outstring() {size=0;} void print(); void assign(char *chrs); }; void outstring::print() { int i; for (i=0 ; i< size ; i++) cout << str[i]; cout << "\n"; } void outstring::assign(char *chrs) { int i; for (i=0; chrs[i] != '\0';i++) str[i] = chrs[i]; size=i; }

main (int argc, char **argv) { outstring string; string.assign("Hello World!"); string.print(); }


/* George, I need a program to output a string 
     "Hello World!"  */ 

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