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RHF is a moderated newsgroup

RHF is a moderated newsgroup

Rec.humor.funny is a moderated newsgroup, which means only postings cleared through and by the moderator get to appear. If, while reading rec.humor.funny or rec.humor.funny.reruns with your newsreader, you see articles which look like ordinary followups (replies) and they don't have the typical RHF "signature" lines at the bottom, then something is wrong with your news server and probably the servers of some of your news feeds.

You should contact your local news admins to get them to change rec.humor.funny to a moderated group. This means it should have an "m" flag in the USENET "active" file instead of a "y". Submissions to RHF usually go by E-mail to funny@netfunny.com but the standard moderators.uu.net address also works and is probably best.

Contact your news admin in one of the following ways:

  1. If your site has a standard customer support or trouble ticket system, use that to request the change.
  2. Try sending E-mail to the address "usenet" at your domain.
  3. If that bounces try "news" at your domain.
  4. If that fails, mail to "postmaster" at your domain and ask that it be forwarded to the USENET administrator

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