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IBM's committment to UNIX (Brian Jay Gould)
(smirk, computers)

I have witnesses that this actually happened a few years ago:

My client was trying to pick a server platform and was torn between Sun and IBM for the UNIX server. Finally, after receiving a generous discount from IBM, they chose IBM's AIX. Unfortunately, I had no AIX experience, so I was overheard saying, "...but I know how to do this on Sun..." Another consultant was brought in who claimed that he had some AIX experience and he was also overheard by the director saying, "...but I know how to do this on Sun."

So the director was so frustrated, he called IBM and asked to have their best AIX professional sent over to straighten us out. In the director's office, he was told the problem and his first words were, "Gee, that's tough. I'm not sure, but I do know how to do that on Sun."

The Sun servers arrived without comment from the director.

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