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Not with a bang... (Dan Breslau)
(smirk, computers, original)

[original -- This came to mind during an idle moment recently...]

The International Typographer's Association has announced an impending
shortage of exclamation marks (sometimes affectionately known as
"bangs"). These poor, put-upon points of punctuation have been
overworked in too many pieces of prose and programming alike, causing
the previously plentiful population to diminish perilously.

All writers of C code and other works of art are asked to help
avert the oncoming crisis by substituting other symbols for
the exclamation mark.  In C, this can be done by using the word
NOT instead.  To illustrate, we'll have to sacrifice just a few
of the brave creatures:

	if (! a)	/* Old */
	if (NOT a)	/* New */

In fact, since this works so well in C, it can be carried over to
English as well.  Rather than obscuring the meaning of many sentences,
it can help make them even more accurate.  For example,

	The Windigent OS release 42 offers much higher performance
	and better portability than any other operating system!


	The Windigent OS release 42 offers much higher performance
	and better portability than any other operating system NOT

Please start using this system today NOT  With your help, we
can help save our precious bangs for future generations NOT

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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