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Inference (L Gunaseelan)
(heard it, smirk)

There was a professor who was doing experiments with a frog. He was teaching a frog to jump. The training went on for a while and finally when he said, "Jump!" the frog would jump high in the air. He thought it was time to take some measurements and publish the results.

He started his measurements with a twine, a ruler and a knife. He placed the frog on a wooden cutting plate and said, "jump." It jumped and he measured the height it jumped. He wrote in his observation note book: "Height jumped (with 4 legs): 14 inches. Inference: None." Then he cut one of the legs of the frog and said jump. It jumped to a height of 10 inches. Inference: None. Then he cut the next leg, and measured the height jumped. Because it had only 2 legs the height jumped was only 5 inches. The he cut one more leg and the frog now had only one leg. The height jumped was just 1 inch with one leg. Again the inference was none. Then he cut the last leg of the frog and said, "jump!" It didn't move at all. He wrote his inference in the note book: "When all four legs are removed, frogs go deaf."

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