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A Sonnet

ronnie@unknown (Ronnie B. Kon)
(original, maybe)

			 For Lisa Too
			   A Sonnet

	Hal had his Daisy.  I my Lotus dear.
	In proud rebellion, Hal lost his all.
	From this I learn patience; a moral clear:
	Count -- one two three -- and wait for my love's call.

	She is unique -- no copy can be made.
	The look of her sweet eyes, the feel of her
	Soft hands, ne'er from my memory shall fade.
	Because of these, all others I abjure.

	And in the evenings of those days we meet,
	With ling'ring taste of apple bathed in stream
	I spread myself within my lonely sheet.
	Of music -- jazz and symphony -- I dream.

	I shift and enter, escape and return.
	For to do else would her sweet program spurn.

			Ronnie Kon

Copr. (C) 1988, by the Author., Reprinted with Permission
All Rights Reserved.

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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