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Blind man and three blondes (Jonathan Ganz)
(smirk, heard it)

A blind man goes into a tavern, finds the bar, and sits down. When the bartender comes over and asks what he'd like to drink, he says, "I'd like to get a beer and tell blonde joke."

The bartender says, "Well, I'll give you a beer, no problem, but you should know that I weigh 250 pounds, and I'm a blonde. Also, my brother is sitting next to you. He's also about 250, and he's blonde too. My cousin is sitting at the table behind you, he weighs almost 300 pounds, and he's a blonde. Are you sure you want to tell the blonde joke?"

The blind guy thinks a minute, then says, "Well, I guess I'll have the beer, but I won't tell the blonde joke."

"Why not?" asks the bartender.

"Well," the blind guy says, "I don't want to have to explain it three times."

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